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CCDB → Angiosperms → Compositae → Inula → Inula hirta L.
Name | Accepted Name | Gametophytic(n) | Sporophytic(2n) | Data Source | reference | ||
Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 16 | CHROBASE | TONGIORGI E. - 1942. Su la cariologia di alcune Inuleae (Asteraceae).. N. Giorn. Bot. Ital., n.s. , 49(2): 242-251. | |||
Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 16 | CHROBASE | TONGIORGI E. - 1935. Un primo contributo alla cariologia delle Inuleae. Rendiconto delle sedute e brevi comunicazioni.. N. Giorn. Bot. Ital., n.s. , 42: 261-262. | |||
Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 16 | Slovakia Database | Májovský J. et al., 1970a: Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora (Part 1). - Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comen., Bot. 16: 1-26. | |||
Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 16 | Slovakia Database | Májovský J. et al., 1970a: Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora (Part 1). - Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comen., Bot. 16: 1-26. | |||
Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 16 | Slovakia Database | Májovský J. et al., 1970a: Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora (Part 1). - Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comen., Bot. 16: 1-26. | |||
! | Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 16 | Flora Europaea | Majovsky et al., | ||
Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 16 | Poland Database | Skali?ska M., Czapik R., Piotrowicz M. et al. 1959. Further studies in chromosome numbers of Polish Angiosperms (Dicotyledons). Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 28, 487-529. | |||
Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 8(1) | Asteracea | Skalinska et al. 1959 Acta Soc. Bot. Polon., Warszawa | |||
! | Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 8 | 16 | IPCN65 | Bauer 1964 | |
Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 16 | IPCN online | Albers, F. & W. Pröbsting. 1998. In R. Wisskirchen & H. Haeupler, Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands. Bundesamt für Naturschutz & Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart. | |||
Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 16 | IPCN67-71 | MAJOVSKY, J., ET. AL. 1970. Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora (Part 1). Acta Fae. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comenianae Bot. 16.: 1-26. | |||
Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 16 | IPCN67-71 | HOLUB, J., J. MESICEK, & v. JAVURKOVA. 1971. Annotated chromosome counts of Czechoslovak plants (16-30) (Materials for Flora CSSR-2) Folia Geobot. Phytotax., Praha 6: 179-214. | |||
Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 16 | Cave1959 | Skal1nska et al. 1959 | |||
Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 8 | CromoCat 2015 | Bauer, Z. (1964). Badania cyto-embriologiczne nad rodzajem Inula L. Acta Biol. Cracov., Ser. Bot. 7: 117-130. | |||
Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 0 | 16 | CromoCat 2015 | Albers, F. & Pröbsting, W. (1998). In R. Wisskirchen & H. Haeupler, Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands. Bundesamt für Naturschutz & Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart | ||
Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 16 | CromoCat 2015 | Holub, J., Mesícek, J. & Javürková, V. (1971). Annotated chromosome counts of Czechoslovak plants (16-30) (Materials for Flóra CSSR 2). Folia Geobot. Phytotax. (Bohem.) 6: 179-214. | |||
Inula hirta L. | Inula hirta L. | 16 | CromoCat 2015 | Váchová, M. & A. Murín. (1970). Reports (In Májovsky, J. & al. (ed.) Index of chromosome numbers of slovakian flora. Part 1). Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comenianae, Bot. 16: 1-26. |